Sunday, August 10, 2014

Next singing: August 16th!

Hi all!
Our next regular North Country Sacred Harp singing will be held this coming Saturday, August 16th, 6-9pm at WREN921 (921 Main Street, Berlin NH).
All are welcome, and no experience is necessary (so bring a friend)!
We take a short break about halfway through for a snack.  Please bring something to share.
Stay tuned over the next few months, as we will have a few schedule and location changes! 
Also, of note:
Our friend, Amelie, is performing with Village Harmony this summer, including a concert this Thursday in Tamworth.  If you want to listen to a group of fabulously energetic children and teenagers singing traditional music from around the world (including some shapenote music) you'll want to check this out!

Thursday, August 14 –Tamworth, NH
Tamworth Congregational Church