Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Time to Sing!

This Saturday, February 20th, is our next singing in Berlin!
117 Main Street
Berlin, NH

Be there or be square.

(that joke never gets old).

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Next Singing in Berlin: February 20th!

We had such a great time at the Tamworth Traditional Arts Fest on January 30th!  Really enthusiastic, spirited singers.  Wonderful room.  It was absolutely delightful.

Hope we can rally some folks to join us for a North Conway area singing soon (any ideas for a good space in the area?  Something like the Town House in Tamworth would be ideal, and especially if it was free or very affordable.  Please let us know if you have good ideas!)

In the meantime, our next Berlin singing is on Saturday, February 20th!
