Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Hey!  Our next singing is this coming Saturday, September 19th at the WREN Makers' Space in Berlin!  Since Seth first mentioned it a while back, I've been meaning to look up Ocean, a song from the Northern Harmony tune book that he'd expressed interest in.

Behold!  I finally remembered!
Now let's just see if I remember to make copies and bring them to the singing...

I'm generally not a huge fan of super "chorus-y" renditions of shapenote songs (though, I have to admit, that's how I was originally introduced to the music, so if that's what hooks you, why not?)... anyway... just to put a bug in your ear...

Follow this link to hear one iteration of Northern Harmony performing Ocean on the 1992 recording, Endless Stream.
Maybe we'll give it a whirl on Saturday.

Join us!

Saturday, September 19, 2015
WREN Makers' Space
117 Main Street
Berlin, NH

Bring a snack to share!

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